Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Taxi Packed with Talent

It is easy to imagine why Robert Deniro was chosen by Martin Scorsese to be the lead in Taxi Driver. He had worked with him three years earlier on Mean Streets and he was fresh off of a best supporting actor win for The Godfather Part II. And, come on, it's De Niro for christ's sake, but what about the rest of the cast?

Jodie Foster had also worked with Scorsese on 1974's Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore and at age thirteen, she was already an industry pro. The camera has always loved Foster and the chemistry between her and De Niro was evident.

Cybill Shepherd was nominated for a Golden Globe in 1972 for her work in The Last Picture Show and gave a solid performance as Betsy, the stuck up, but alluring campaigner.

Harvey Keitel worked with on Mean Streets with De Niro and Scorsese in 1973. Keitel has always been a versatile force in the acting world. His performance in Mean Streets evoked compassion and empathy, whereas his work in Taxi Driver breeds only disgust.

Peter Boyle is charming as The Wizard. He takes a small role and makes it eternally memorable. He is akin to a father figure for Travis, but there is no salvation in store for God's lonely man.

Albert Brooks brings a quirky distraction from the ensuing darkness of the film. Along with great onscreen chemistry with Cybill Shepherd, his comedic talent is evident without taking over a scene.

And as for Martin Scorsese casting himself as the lovesick psychopath that introduces Travis to the idea of a .44 magnum, it's just brilliant. The scene is one of the most captivating in the entire film, and De Niro's performance, without speaking a single word, plays perfectly off of Scorsese's madness.

The film is filled with many other great performances, like Steven Prince as the gun dealing, drug dealing lowlife who sells Travis his weapons or Richard Higgs as the friendly secret service man. Though De Niro is the focus, he is surrounded by talented individuals that lift him higher and higher.

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